Dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi dan memperluas jejaring mahasiswa, Departemen Teknologi Industri Pertanian (TIP) UGM bekerjasama dengan Departemen TIP Universitas Udayana menyelenggarakan 1st International Student Gathering (ISG) 2018 pada tanggal 26-27 September 2018 di Bali-Indonesia.
The student congress held in Berlin, 6-7th November 2018 and organized by Der Grune Punk, German Packaging Intitute and partnership with DIN (Deutches Institut fur Normung), German Institute for Strandarization. It was the second student congress that they held with this theme. The aim of this congress is to regularly convene students of packaging technology and practitioners from all areas of the value added chain. For this year, the topic of the seminar is about “Making Packaging Future Proof – Closing the Loop”. This congress did some discussions, workshops and presentations that focus on future issues, trends and best practice in packaging design.