A Life Cycle Assessment Webinar: Know the Impact of Your Product on the Environment

World Environment Day is celebrated every June 5th, and this year the theme is “Ecosystem Restoration.” During the CoVID-19 pandemic, the environment is taking a break due to limited human activities ranging from transportation, production, and activities to support daily life. However, efforts to improve the environment must still be carried out continuously and sustainably.
On Saturday, June 5th, 2021, from 09.00 to 11.00 a.m, a Life Cycle Assessment webinar was held through the Zoom Meeting with the theme “Know the Impact of Your Products on the Environment”. The event was attended by more than 90 participants from various institutions, ranging from public and private universities, research institutes, government institutions, state-owned enterprises, and the private sector. The speech was delivered by Prof. Siti Malkhamah (Dean of the UGM Graduate School) and Dr. Didik Purwadi (Chairman of the Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology UGM). Four speakers presented the webinar material: read more